Thursday, 30 September 2021

Yamko Rambe Yamko

Yamko Rambe Yamko   is a folk song that is considered to have originated from the Papua Province , although no Papuan people recognize it.  Although the rhythm of this song conveys a pleasant feeling, the lyrics are sad because it tells the story of an area experiencing tribal wars. 

The origin of this song is debated. At the end of June 2020, the debate went viral on social media because it was alleged that the language in this song did not come from one of the languages ​​in Papua . Searches for the origin of this song are voiced, including by comedian Arie Kriting .  Meanwhile, the Papua Cultural Values ​​Preservation Center (BPNB) on 27 June 2020 said that there was no definite literature regarding the origin of this song's language. 

To download the easy alphanotes and chords, look here. Enjoy! 

Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yuma no bungo awe ade
Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yuma no bungo awe ade
Hongke hongke hongke riro
Hongke jombe jombe riro
Hongke hongke hongke riro
Hongke jombe jombe riro

Wednesday, 29 September 2021


"Jali-jali" sometimes is known as "Si Jali-Jali" is a traditional folk song from the Betawi of Batavia (now Jakarta), Indonesia. The word Jali or Jali-jali is the Indonesian name of the tropical plant Job's Tears

To download the easy alphanotes and chords, look here. Enjoy!


ini dia si jali-jali

lagunya enak lagunya enak merdu sekali

capek sedikit tidak perduli sayang

asalkan tuan asalkan tuan senang di hati

palinglah enak si mangga udang

hei sayang disayang pohonnya tinggi pohonnya tinggi buahnya jarang

palinglah enak si orang bujang sayang

kemana pergi kemana pergi tiada yang m’larang

disana gunung disini gunung

hei sayang disayang ditengah tengah ditengah tengah kembang melati

disana bingung disini bingung sayang

samalah sama samalah sama menaruh hati

jalilah jali dari cikini sayang

jali-jali dari cikini jalilah jali sampai disini

English Translation: 

This is the Job's Tears
The song is good, the song is very melodious
a little tired don't care dear
as long as you are happy
the most delicious is the mango shrimp
hey darling darling the tree is tall the tree is tall the fruit is rare
The bachelor is the best, darling
Where to go, where to go, nothing is forbidden
there are mountains here are mountains
hey darling darling in the middle in the middle of jasmine flowers
there confused here confused baby
same same same same put heart
jalilah jali dari cikini sayang
jali-jali from cikini jalilah jali to here

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Waktu Potong Padi

Waktu Potong Padi (Rice Harvesting Time) is an old Malay folksong, it portrays a sense of fun and frolic at harvest time in the rice fields.  Reaping the harvest is a time of joy and celebration for the farmers. 

To download the easy alphanotes and chords sheet music, look here. Enjoy!


Waktu potong padi
Di tengah sawah
Sambil bernyanyi
Riuh rendah
Memotong padi
Sambil bersuka
Tolonglah kami
Potong padi ramai-ramai di sawah
Ani-ani dikerjakan semua
Jika sudah waktunya
Mari kita pulang ke rumah
Potong padi ramai-ramai di sawah
Ani-ani dikerjakan semua
Bila tiba waktunya
Mari kita pulang ke rumah
Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Tetap dipuja-puja bangsa
Di sana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Tempat akhir menutup mata
Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Tetap dipuja-puja bangsa
Di sana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Tempat akhir menutup mata

English Translation: 

Time to cut rice
In the middle of a field
While singing

Cutting rice
While having fun
Help us

Cut rice en masse in the field
Ani-ani is all done
If it's time
Let's go home

Cut rice in large numbers in the field
Ani-ani is all done
When the time comes
Let's go home

Indonesia is my homeland
Eternal legacy of victory
Indonesia since ancient times
Still adored by the nation

That's where beta was born
Cradled raised by mother
A place of refuge in old age
The final place closes the eyes

Indonesia is my homeland
Eternal legacy of victory
Indonesia since ancient times
Still adored by the nation

That's where beta was born
Cradled raised by mother
A place of refuge in old age
The end place closes the eyes

Monday, 27 September 2021

Gunung Salahutu

Gunung Salahutu is about  a sub-district in Central Maluku Regency , Maluku , Indonesia , located in the northeastern part of Ambon Island . The capital city is in Tulehu Country .  99.9% of this sub-district is located on Ambon Island. The other 0.01% is a small island called Pulau Pombo . Pombo Island is included in the administrative area of Waai State .  Based on data from the Central Maluku BPS 2017 and 2018, all countries in Salahutu have the status of self-sufficient countries. 

To download the easy alphanotes and chords, look here. Enjoy!


Kota ambon, Ibu neg'ri tanah maluku Di pinggir laut tempat beta bersatu Dari jauh terlihat gunung salahutu Beta ingat dahulu beta disitu Bulan terang menerangi dipinggir pantai Bunyi gitar, suara tifa beramai-ramai Sio ambon dengan teluh yang indah permai Apa tempo beta lihat engkau lagi

English Translation: 


Ambon City, the motherland of Maluku,

On the seafront where beta is united

Seen from afar Mount Salahutu

Beta remembers beta long ago at the beach

The moon is bright on the shore The sound of guitars, the sound of Tifa is bustling,

Ambon City with beautiful bays is beautiful

What is the tempo of beta, see you again.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Indonesia Pusaka

 Indonesia Pusaka  (English: Indonesia, the Heritage) is a patriotic song composed by Ismail Marzuki. It is normally played on Indonesian Independence Day celebration.

To download the easy alphanotes and chords, look here. Enjoy! 


First verse:

Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Tetap dipuja-puja bangsa


Di sana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai, dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Tempat akhir menutup mata

Second verse:

Sungguh indah tanah air beta
Tiada bandingnya di dunia
Karya indah Tuhan Maha Kuasa
Bagi bangsa yang memujanya


Indonesia ibu pertiwi
Kau kupuja, kau kukasihi
Tenagaku bahkan pun jiwaku
Kepadamu rela kuberi

Lyrics in English

First verse:

Indonesia my homeland
everlasting treasure
Indonesia since ancient times
always praised by nations


There I was born
Cared for, raised by mother
Place to shelter in old age
Final place to close my eyes

Second verse:

Indonesia, thou art beautiful
No other lands can compare
The work of the LORD Almighty
For a nation that praises Him


Indonesia, motherland dear
I adore thee, I love thee
All my strength, my life even
I pledge to thee, my homeland.

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Anging Mamiri

Anging Mamiri is a folk song originating from South Sulawesi in the Makassar language . The beauty of the melody of this song also makes the song "Anging Mammiri" the accompaniment of a dance of the same name, namely the Anging Mammiri Dance. In addition, the beautiful melody of this song also makes this song an inspiration as a lesson material for teachers in the field of sound art, especially at the elementary school level . This song has meaning through its soft and mellow rhythm . These two rhythms give the impression of Makassarese nomads to always remember their hometown .
This song was composed by Bora Dg. Ngirate and popularized by local singers such as Iwan Tompo, Arshinta P Aziz, and Nurdin Taqwa (in the form of losquin style).
To download the easy alphanotes and chords sheet music, look here. Enjoy!
Anging mamiri ku pasang
Pitujui tontonganna
Tusaroa takkan lupa
Batumi anging mamiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalontang saribuku
E... aule...
Na mangu rangi
Tutenaya, tutenaya parisina
Batumi anging mamiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalontang saribuku
E... aule...
Na mangu rangi
Mato'lorang... mato'lorang je'ne mato
O o o o o o o o o
O o o o o o o o o
O o o o o o o o o
E... aule...
Tutenaya, tutenaya parisina
Mato'lorang... mato'lorang je'ne mato
Anging Mamiri
Ow... Anging Mamiri

English Translation: 

The breeze I (give) a message

Heading to his (house) window

(To) people who always forget

Oh my

So that he (can) remember

(To) people who do not (have) sympathy

Come (O) breeze

The wind that brings cool

Until it absorbs to the bones

Oh my

(Which) Brings longing

(So) tears 

Friday, 24 September 2021

Potong Bebek Angsa

Potong Bebek Angsa (Cut the Goose Duckis a children's song that is quite popular. This song comes from the East Nusa Tenggara region and is believed to have been composed by the late Pak Kasur , who was indeed a children's songwriter. 

To download the easy alphanotes and chords sheet music, look here. Enjoy! 


Potong bebek, angsa, masak di kuali
Nona minta dansa, dansa empat kali
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Potong bebek, angsa, masak di kuali
Nona minta dansa, dansa empat kali
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Potong bebek, angsa, masak di kuali
Nona minta dansa, dansa empat kali
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan

English Translation:

Cut duck, goose, cook in a pan
Miss asked for a dance, dance four times

Push left, push right
Push left, push right

Cut duck, goose, cook in a pan
Miss asked for a dance, dance four times

Push left, push right
Push left, push right

Cut duck, goose, cook in a pan
Miss asked for a dance, dance four times

Push left, push right
Push left, push right
Push left, push right
Push left, push right